Explore Career Training for Veterans.

Keyin College

81 LeMarchant St, Carbonear NL

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Designated Educational Institute (DEI)
  • Non-Designated Learning Institute (DLI)
  • Student Aid NL
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Beauty, Esthetics, Barber Programs

  • The training focus of the Hairstylist program is to provide students with the skills, knowledge and experience to work as a Hairstylist or Barber. Students acquire all the fundamentals of nail care, make-up application, esthetics, color analysis and much more. Our program specializes in Hair Design instructing students on how to cut, style, perm, color, and many more valuable skills. The practical experience you acquire in our salon will develop your expertise in hairstyling and shop management.

    Apprenticeship Training

    The Hairstylist program is an apprenticeable trades program. These courses, completed at Keyin College, will represent partial completion of requirements for Journeyperson status under the Interprovincial Red Seal Certification. Once this training is complete and the student secures employment in the trade, he/she must register as an apprentice with the Industrial Training Division, Department of Advanced Education Skills and Labour.

Business, Accounting, Marketing Programs

  • Keyin College now offers a three-year Business Management/Human Resource Management program that incorporates all facets of business and financial management, marketing, communicative, managerial, and technological skills, enterprise development, and entrepreneurship.  It is highly case-driven curriculum, allowing students the opportunity to apply the various management skills they will acquire throughout the duration of the program.

    In the third year, students will have the opportunity to specialize in human resources, which will address such topics as recruiting, training, creating compensation / benefit packages, and employee relations.

    Upon graduation, students will have developed a strong business background and will have acquired the skills and confidence required for management.  They will be qualified to seek employment in various areas such as all levels of government, financial institutions, small business, and large corporations.  They will also be eligible for employment in the manufacturing, retail, and service sectors.

    Graduates of Keyin College’s BM/HRM program will be awarded 60 of the required 120 credits towards a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree with Cape Breton University. For more information on CBU, please visit their website at 

  • This program will provide the student with multidisciplinary training to work in a variety of professional environments. Graduates will have developed personal and professional competencies and skills in administrative procedures, accounting, business research, communications, English, economics, machine transcription, business psychology, records management, and computer software programs. Students will also acquire skills in the specialty fields of medical and legal. Graduates of this program will be qualified for a wide variety of employment opportunities. Careers in the legal and medical fields, records management, and executive administrative positions are just a few of the employment possibilities available for graduates of the Office Administration program.
  • This program is designed as a refresher program for individuals needing to enhance their computer applications and office administration skills. Individuals enrolling in the Office Technology Enhancement 36-week program will have prior computer training and/or work experience in a computerized office environment. The course is designed so that individuals who have been out of work for a period of time can refresh their skills in order to successfully return to the workforce. Students are given training in the latest software, Internet, and clerical office procedures. The program provides students with the skills necessary to gain employment in a variety of fields. They will be eligible for many administrative, accounting or information technology positions that require using the latest in computer software and clerical office and accounting procedures.

Education, Teaching Programs

  • Early Childhood Education provides students with the qualifications and methods necessary to present a wide variety of activities to develop a young child’s imaginative, creative and artistic abilities. This program will provide an overview of the field of early childhood education, its historical and theoretical origins, and the day-to-day work and responsibilities of professionals working in this field. Students will learn to identify the critical issues related to children’s health, safety and nutrition. In addition, the program will aim to promote safety practices, risk management, strategies for nutritional balance, and overall good health and well being. This program will provide students with the necessary skills to work in a variety of child care services. They are employed in child-care centers, kindergartens, nursery schools, agencies for exceptional children, and other environments where early childhood education services are provided, or they may be self-employed. Example position titles may include child care worker, daycare worker or early childhood educator.
  • This program can be a stepping-stone for those interested in pursuing post-secondary education.  The Adult Basic Education programs level II & III offer assistance to adult students who would like to improve their reading, writing and math skills to help them obtain a grade 12 equivalency diploma.  This will assist the student in many ways including boosting their self-confidence and making it easier to get a job. Some people may need to begin with the Basic Literacy/ABE Level I component.  Level I will provide a student with a learning foundation, which will help them move toward the completion of ABE and into post-secondary training. The relaxed learning environment provided by Keyin College is the ideal atmosphere for adult students who wish to re-enter the education system and acquire their high school diploma.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Keyin College is proud to offer the Occupational Health and Safety diploma program in Newfoundland and Labrador. This program was developed in response to the growing demand for well-trained individuals in the area of health and safety for safer worksites, stronger safety co-ordination and sound safety planning. In June 2012, Keyin College and Cape Breton University signed an articulation agreement providing students, who have completed Keyin’s 2 year Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Diploma program, an opportunity to qualify to receive credits towards the Cape Breton University Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health) Degree. For more information on this degree program, please go to:  Keyin College is pleased to have their OH&S curriculum approved by the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals. In addition, Keyin College Grand Falls-Windsor campus is also pleased to be included in the Canadian Federal Government’s Approved CO-OP/Internship Programs. The CCA Gold Seal Accreditation Program is a national program for construction Project Managers, Superintendents, Estimators and Owners’ Project Managers.  Accreditation is based on the candidate’s education, experience and their ability to satisfy the rigorous standards of the Program. This may mean the successful completion of a Gold Seal exam. The Gold Seal Certificate was developed by the industry for the industry and is a voluntary certification program for the individual. The Certificate signifies that the individual has attained a nationally recognized level of experience and competence as a Project Manager, Superintendent, Estimator, Construction Safety Coordinator or Owners’ Project Manager.   For more information on the Gold Seal Accreditation Program, please visit  For the individual – the Gold Seal Certificate is a declaration of skill and competence that is recognized by the construction industry across the country. The Certificate will enhance mobility and professional development of construction managers. For the contractor – employing Gold Seal Accredited managers is a statement regarding the professionalism and commitment of the firm to construction management excellence. A Gold Seal Certificate assists employers in recruiting capable construction managers. Graduates of this program will be qualified to work as a Hazardous Materials Technician, Emergency Response Technician, Occupational Health and Safety Technician, Safety Advisor, Hazardous Waste Treatment Technician, Environmental Compliance Officer and other industry related positions.
  • A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) is a member of the interdisciplinary team who is responsible for providing support to clients in all aspects of daily living through companionships, physical, spiritual, and psychosocial care.  PCAs support and promote independence, safety, and quality of life for clients across the lifespan. PCAs provide client-centred care under the direction of a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN).  In Newfoundland and Labrador, PCAs are considered unregulated health care workers as they are not a licensed or regulated profession.  However, standardized curriculum assists the effective and efficient use of PCAs as part of the interdisciplinary team in institutional settings across the province. The Personal Care Attendant Educational Program is 30 weeks in duration and consists of two semesters, each containing 15 weeks.  Travel to other institutions/agencies will be required for clinical and may be required for some laboratory offerings.  Students are responsible for transportation to/from clinical and laboratory experiences; these travel hours are not included in the program hours.
  • The Primary Care Paramedic Program is designed to give students the educational and hands-on training needed to become proficient in this challenging position to deliver pre-hospital care.  Particular emphasis is placed upon balanced training to enable graduates to meet a variety of physical, intellectual, emotional and medical needs of pre-hospital patients.  Training includes all major aspects of medical care; the Primary Care Paramedic Program at Keyin College meets or exceeds the standards established by the Paramedic Association of Canada in its guidelines for the National Occupational Competencies Profiles for paramedics.  Students will get extensive classroom training as well as field and clinical learning.

    Paramedics are highly skilled health care professionals who function in the realm of EMS, initiating medical treatment for individuals in crisis situations.  Based on sound technical knowledge, paramedics demonstrate rational problem-solving abilities and excellent decision-making skills.  The paramedic profession demands universal integrity, exemplary behaviour, and dedication to the service of humanity.  Paramedics adhere to the standards of ethical behaviour, and their professional activities are characterized by honesty, empathy, conscientiousness and reliability.

    Clinical and Field Benefits

    Students will be expected to travel and incur costs associated with placements in various hospital and ambulance departments (private and hospital-based). These clinical/field placements are limited and students will be placed based on availability. Sites may include Eastern, Central, Western and Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authorities, which includes St. John’s, Carbonear, Freshwater, Placentia Bay, Clarenville, Burin, Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor, Lewisporte, Deer Lake, Corner Brook, Stephenville, Port Aux Basques and St. Anthony. Other sites may be available as they are developed.

Human & Social Services, CSW Programs

  • A Child and Youth Care Worker is a specialist in facilitating change, relationship building and learning in children or adolescents experiencing a range of social, emotional, behavioural, or learning challenges.

    Keyin’s 88-week Child and Youth Care Worker with Addictions Support program develops therapeutic skills and abilities in students, enabling them to work therapeutically with “at risk” populations and other professionals concerned with the care, treatment, safety and future outcomes of children and adolescents.

    Students will receive additional training in Crisis Intervention, Suicide Intervention, and courses focusing on the growing concern of youth addictions and behviours.

    Graduates will be qualified to work in the rewarding and diverse field of child and youth care.  Our well educated students go out into the field working in child protection and group homes, non-profit, after school programs, non-government organizations, disability supports, and many other interesting and diverse careers.

Carbonear Campus

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