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Simply Accounting

One of the most popular accounting software programs on the market, learning Simply Accounting is a must to work in the financial administration of most organizations. This course includes Simply Accounting’s General Ledger, Payable, Receivables, Payroll, Inventory and Project Costing Modules. The student will also learn how to develop a standard set of financial reports.

Course Objectives: Knowledge

Know about complete adding and deleting accounts in the chart of account, and how to link accounts with all six modules of Simply Accounting
Know how to enter and post purchase quotations, purchase orders, purchase invoices, and credit payments in Payable Module
Know how to enter and sales quotations, sale orders, sale invoices, and credit receipts in Receivable Module
Know how to enter, print and post pay cheques of employees in Payroll module
Know how to record sale and purchase of Inventory and Service Module
Know about how to add projects, allocate cost and revenue to different
departments/projects of company

Course Objectives: Skills

Able to create the Chart of Account
Able to perform transaction processing related to (Cash & Credit) purchases and payments in Payable Module and (Cash & Credit) Sales and receipts in Receivable Module
Able to process pay cheques for employees individually or by regular payroll cheque runs
Able to perform Inventory and Project allocations
Able to develop a standard set of financial reports

Curriculum Outline

Introduction to Simply Accounting
The GST and PST
Setting up books in simply – a series of 2 practical exercises
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Creating a company using , General Ledger, Payable and receivable module
Creating Books in Simply
Using Payroll Module
Using Inventory and services
Using Inventory Module
Project Accounting
Using cost centers
Reconciling the bank Account
Full review; a series of 2 practical exercises to set up and run simply accounting on a real company

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