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Acumen College of Business and Technology

131 Brunel Road, Mississauga ON

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Non-DEI (Requires an exemption)
  • Designated Learning Institute (DLI)
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Business, Accounting, Marketing Programs

  • The new Accounting and Business Administration program has been created to equip its graduates with current updates in accounting profession and hands on experience in today’s business environment. Therefore, it is designed based on what is required to be a successful middle-to-entry level accounting professional (such as accounting administrator, accounting assistant, and accounting clerk), and this program is to be delivered over 38 consecutive weeks.

Technology, Networking Programs

  • The new Diploma in Computer Systems Technician - Networking program has been created to equip its graduates with current updates in Technical, Networking and hands on experience in today’s Technological environment. Therefore, it is designed based on what is required to be a successful Entry-level positions including technical support analyst, IT consultant, and network technologist/administrator.

Mississauga Campus

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