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Canada College of Health & Business Studies

2180 Steeles Avenue West unit 208, Vaughan ON

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Non-DEI (Requires an exemption)
  • Non-Designated Learning Institute (DLI)


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Personal Support Worker Program is designed for participants interested in a Career in the Healthcare field. This program delivers a solid educational base to workers in the Healthcare Industry, one of the backbones of both community and facility services. The Personal Support

    Worker is an important part of the health care team. The demand for PSW is numerous ranging from community living, homemaking agencies, retirement and group homes and long-term care facilities. As our population ages, the demand for home support services is expected to increase as well.

    The Provincial health and long-term care policies have resulted in an increase for provision of home support. This trend is expected to continue as provincial government restructures its health care policies. In addition to regular in-class instruction, every PSW in training is required to have 310 hours mandatory placement in an institutional and community environment.

Canada College Of Health & Business Studies

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