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Canadian College of Educators

1370 Dundas St E #203, Mississauga ON

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Non-DEI (Requires an exemption)
  • Designated Learning Institute (DLI)
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Education, Teaching Programs

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: Dear OCELT (Ontario Certified English Language Teacher) candidate, Due to COVID-19 we are delivering our full-time and part-time September TESL Diploma programs fully ONLINE. Stay safe at home! The full-time program starts on September 14th and the part-time program starts on September 21st. We hope to return to our full-time in class delivery of this program by January, 2021. About the TESL Diploma online: The online version of our well-known TESL Diploma program is no different from our in class program in terms of content, assessment, faculty, and quality. The classes are delivered in synchronous format, real time, instructor-led, using Zoom, just like an in class environment where you attend class, have classmates, lots human interaction, and TESL Ontario accredited TESL Trainers. The online classes are further supported by instructor-led Google Classrooms for the sharing of publications, resources, assignments, and additional online class time to communicate with classmates and instructors.

    This 300-hour TESL DIPLOMA program is for those looking to become an Ontario Certified English Language Teacher (OCELT) to teach English in Ontario, Canada, and worldwide.

    Academic Credential Issued Upon Completion: College Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
    Government approved by: Ministry of Colleges and Universities
    Professionally Accredited by: TESL Ontario and TESL Canada
    Academic Credential Issued Upon Completion: College Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
    Graduates of this program will have completed the TESL training requisite to receive:
    • College Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language
    • Ontario Certified English Language Teacher (OCELT) professional designation
    • TESL Ontario Adult ESL Teacher Certificate of Accreditation
    • TESL Ontario International Certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Language
    • TESL Canada Professional Certification Standard Two
  • The Canadian College of Educators’ Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate program with Practicum is for those seeking a distance education TESL Canada Professional Standard One Certification program. It includes 100 hours online TESOL training and a 25-hour practicum comprised of 15 hours of class Observation and 10 hours of supervised Practice Teaching. This Program is Recognized by TESL Canada for Professional Standard One Certification and by TESL Ontario as an accredited CTESOL (Canadian TESOL) training program. For TESL Canada Professional Standard Two Certification and/or TESL Ontario Certification please see our 300+ hour in class . TESOL Certificate with Practicum Program Overview:
    • 100 hours – TESOL Methodology (online)
    • 25 hours – Practicum (local or distance)
    Online Component: The 100 credit-hours of distance education provides a solid foundation for Teaching English to speakers of other languages in Canada. It also includes a comprehensive introductory module in Teaching English Overseas with country profiles worldwide for those who may want to teach and travel. TESOL Methodology topics includeThe communicative approach, being a good teacher and learner, children versus adult learners, student levels, lesson planning, describing language, teaching grammar, teaching reading, teaching writing, teaching speaking, teaching listening, teaching pronunciation, ESL games and activities, classroom management, text books and materials development, assessment and testing, teaching English for special purposes. Practicum Component: The 25-hour practicum is comprised of 15 hours of class observation and 10 hours of supervised practice teaching. Students are provided with a local Language School placement by the program’s Practicum Supervisor. Those residing outside of the Halton/Peel/Toronto district or in another province who can not travel to Mississauga for practicum may arrange their own practicum with the approval of the Practicum Supervisor. The Practicum must be completed in Canada. Length of the Program: The program can be completed in just 4 to 6 weeks or up to one year. You decide the pace. You will have six months from the time you register to complete the online component and up to one year to complete the program in full. The online component should be successfully completed prior to beginning any Practicum. Class Schedule: The online modules are completely self-directed, go at your own pace, and can be studied from anywhere with an Internet connection. Practicum sessions are scheduled on an individual basis with the Practicum Mentor Teachers. Local practicum placement is typically completed within 5 sessions/days of 5 hours each or at a pace as requested by the student. Program Admission Requirements: A minimum 3-year Canadian university degree, or equivalent, and acceptable proof of English language proficiency. *The accepted English language proficiency requirements for program admission are the same as TESL Canada.
  • The Canadian College of Educators TESOL Certificate 100-hour international standard program online was developed specifically for Canadians looking to go abroad to teach English or for individuals overseas seeking training and TESOL Certification from an accredited post-secondary institution in North America in order to teach English in their own country. Teaching Overseas:
    • English as a global language
    • Overseas country profiles 
    • Types of jobs, job banks and postings, teacher recruiters and agencies
    • The application process, letter of introduction and international resume
    • Preparing for the interview and negotiating the contract
    • Visas, passports, health care, taxation, banking, money transfers
    • What to take with you, dealing with culture shock and becoming adjusted
    TESOL Methodology:
    • The communicative approach
    • Being a good teacher and learner
    • Children versus adult learners
    • Student levels
    • Lesson planning
    • Describing language
    • Teaching grammar
    • Teaching reading
    • Teaching writing
    • Teaching speaking
    • Teaching listening
    • Teaching pronunciation
    • ESL games and activities
    • Classroom management
    • Text books and materials development
    • Assessment and testing
    • Teaching English for Special Purposes
    About the online program: Registration Once you register (below) you will be provided with an ID and a password, which is unique only to you, by email once your registration has been confirmed. You will then be able to log into the program. At that time you will also be assigned an instructor that you may contact should you have any questions while logging in or completing the program. Online Program Evaluation Some modules require an entry in your personal teaching journal and some have a short test. There are seven tests in total. You will have 60 minutes to finish each test and two attempts to pass it. Your mark will be displayed immediately and the instructor will be notified when you finish the test. You will receive a confirmation with your mark in your email address for your records.  Length of the Online Course You will have six months from the time you register to complete the program. You can finish it in weeks, months, however you wish to pace yourself. It is entirely up to you! When you finish the program you will immediately be issued a transcript of completion by email with all your scores on the tests and your official TESOL Certificate from the Canadian College of Educators is sent by mail or, if residing close to the College, you may arrange to pick it up in person at your earliest convenience.
  • n recognition of the on-going exciting path of professional development and consistent desire for teachers to not only teach, but learn… we are pleased to offer TESL Ontario accredited Post-TESL Certificate training for TESL Ontario and TESL Canada certified instructors seeking additional qualifications. Canadian College of Educators offers two TESL Ontario accredited PTCT courses:
    • Advanced Pedagogical Grammar (30 hours online)
    • Teaching Pronunciation (30 hours online)
    Advanced Pedagogical Grammar This course is designed for TESL certified individuals seeking an additional qualification in teaching Advanced Grammar. Topics include: Why teach grammar, what is advanced grammar, form and function, lexical categories, methodologies and strategies in pedagogical grammar, lesson planning, grammar within the Canadian Language Benchmarks, and instructional grammar resources. The course also includes a brief review of parts of speech, irregular verbs, verb tenses and a more in depth exploration of advanced grammatical structures such as the passive, causative verbs, conditionals, modals, sentence constituents, word order, complex sentences, nominals, alternations and subordinate clauses, while incorporating how to effectively teach these. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to (i) demonstrate more profound knowledge of advanced grammatical structures increased confidence in teaching higher levels of grammar, (ii) distinguish between form and function and lexical categories, (iii) incorporate pedagogical grammar with different language skills and using a variety of resources, (iv) apply new strategies and methodologies in teaching advanced grammar, (v) design and deliver effective grammar lesson plans at CLB Stage III. Teaching Pronunciation This course is designed for TESL certified individuals seeking an additional qualification in teaching Pronunciation. Topics include: Why teach pronunciation, linguistic systems, phonetic alphabets, consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm, intonation, linking, intrusion, elision, dissimulation  assimilation, unique features of North American pronunciation, Canadian accents and dialects, pronunciation problems common to specific languages groups, lesson planning, pronunciation within the Canadian Language Benchmarks, how to integrate pronunciation with other skills, using diagrams to demonstrate articulation, tips and practical classroom suggestions for teaching pronunciation, online resources and materials, recent studies on pronunciation and pedagogical research. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to (i) understand and utilize phonetic alphabets and articulation diagrams to teach pronunciation, (ii) appropriately align pronunciation points with Canadian Language Benchmarks, (iii) incorporate teaching pronunciation with other language skills, (iv) identify pronunciation problems and unique features common to specific language groups, (v) design and deliver effective pronunciation lesson plans through the application of the most recent pedagogical research and using a variety of resources. PTCT Courses Evaluation: Quizzes Reflective Journal Entries Lesson Planning Assignment Admission Requirements: Participants have completed a TESL program from a TESL Ontario or TESL Canada accredited institution OR have TESL Ontario or TESL Canada certification.
  • These online/distance post graduate diploma programs are specifically designed for educators in Canada and worldwide seeking higher education in education. The programs provide participants with an opportunity to upgrade academic credentials, further professional development, and conduct current field research on a topic of special interest. The programs are fully online, have any time anywhere start dates, allow you to go at your own pace and set your own study schedule, and graduate in less than a year. Please click the program of interest link above for program details, admission requirements and registration.  
  • About Adult Education: Adult Education is an immense field that can be divided into dozens of sub-fields. The term “Adult Educator” refers to the individual involved in the teaching, training, skills development and program development of any adult educational environment. Said environment may take place on a university or college campus, in continuing education programs, an adult learning centre, a corporate site, a company board room, or even in someone’s home. As a registered career college in Ontario, this Certificate is a Post-Secondary academic credential. Having a teachers’ college Certificate in Adult Education is a definite asset and may even be a requirement for teaching adults. About the Program: The Certificate in Adult Education program is comprised of four compulsory full credits (40 hours each) and two elective half credits (20 hours each) for total of 5 credits (200 hours online learning in total). How the Program Works: All courses are fully conducted online. Upon registration you will be sent a unique user name and password within 48 hours to your email by your appointed online instructor who will be there to support you from beginning to end. The 200 hours online can be fully completed in a number of weeks, months, or even a year and even longer; it is entirely up to you. All course modules allow participants to go at their own pace and are accessible 24/7 from any Internet connection worldwide, including mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. All full credit courses have 8 units and 4 online multiple choice tests. All half credit courses have 6 units and 2 online multiple choice tests. All courses also require a journal, which will in the future become an invaluable resource to the Adult Educator. Students will be prompted when to make journal entries throughout the program and encouraged to add as many additional journal entries as they wish.
  • The Canadian College of Educators’ Instructor Development Programs (IDP) are specifically designed for career college instructors and educational administrators seeking Additional Qualifications in Adult Education at the postsecondary education level. “Education is the great engine to personal development.” ~ Nelson Mandela There are three Instructor Development Program options, each with a distinct professional focus. Each IDP program is comprised of 100 hours fully conducted online with any time start dates and allow participants to go at their own pace. Upon completion of each program graduates are issued an IDP College Certificate and Academic Transcript The 100-hour Instructor Development Program provides a solid foundation in private sector adult education with a focus on professionalism, instructional design, lesson planning, and assessment. It is comprised of three online courses: Professional Practice: Teaching in Private Career Colleges – IDP101 (20 hours) This course introduces the subject of Adult Education specifically in the Private Career College sector. It is designed for field experts in any field who are or may plan, administer, and deliver instruction to adults in a Canadian Private Career College. Units include: 1. Introduction; 2. Adult Education in Canada; 3. the Private Career College Sector, 4. Professionalism and Ethics; 5. Teaching vs. Learning; 6. Adult Learning Styles; 7. Coping with Stress; 8. Time Management. Course Evaluation: Online tests and quizzes. Designing Instruction for Adult Education – IDP102 (40 hours) This course introduces various instructional theories, practices and strategies of Adult Education. It further focuses on the decision making instructional strategies, a step-by-step design of an instructional unit, and facilitation of various instructional methodologies. Units include: 1. Introduction; 2. Purposes of Education and Training; 3. Expectations and Constraints; 4. Learning Outcomes and Objectives; 5. Evaluation of Learning; 6. Selecting Instructional Material; 7. Sequencing Instruction; 8. Lesson Planning; 9. Instructional Strategies; 10. Evaluation of Instruction. Course Evaluation: Online tests and quizzes. Assessment and Evaluation – IDP103 (40 hours) This course introduces assessment and evaluation strategies based on the theories and practices of adult teaching and learning. It further provides teachers with the possibility to self-reflect on their own teaching. Units: 1. Introduction; 2. An Individual Education Plan; 3. Purposes and Tools of Learner Assessment; 4. Administering and Developing Assessment; 5. Rubrics; 6. Evaluation Theories; 7. Student Evaluation Tools; 8. Testing and Grading Practices; 9. Teacher Evaluation; 10. Supporting Students with Special Needs. Course Evaluation: Online tests and quizzes. Upon completion of the 100-hour online Instructor Development Program (IDP) graduates will be able to:
    • Demonstrate professional conduct in the classroom and workplace
    • Identify different levels of stress
    • Cope with job-related stress
    • Manage time better
    • Develop a personal time schedule
    • Recognize the different learning styles in adults
    • Design professional lesson plans
    • Apply various methods of instruction
    • Apply alternative approaches to instructional design
    • Set course objectives and learning outcomes
    • Incorporate styles techniques into lessons
    • Integrate instructional technology into lessons
    • Select appropriate instructional materials
    • Sequence material effectively
    • Apply classroom management skills
    • Administer and design assessment
    • Assess and evaluate students
    • Use various models of evaluation
    • Align evaluation strategies with learning outcomes
    • Develop marking and grading schemes
    • Give structured feedback to students
    • Design and use rubrics
    • Design and administer tests
    • Give considerations to special needs learners
  • Thinking of becoming an Edupreneur? This 200-hour online certification program is designed to educate, equip, and empower the professional educator in becoming a successful Edupreneur. What is an Edupreneur? An Edupreneur is an educational entrepreneur who may design, plan, deliver, administer, open or operate educational services. They may teach, coach, facilitate, train, create, develop, publish, build, market, or share using their own knowledge, experience, and expertise in education as an invaluable primary resource. Edupreneurs are often self-employed, readily available for hire, and work remotely with creativity, innovation, solid education technology skills and have a strong social media presence for marketing and connectivity. From teaching online to designing courses, creating content, delivering workshops, giving presentations, participating in conferences, developing tools for schools, organizations, or businesses, the Edupreneur is the professional educator to fill a learning gap, supply an educational service, or create something new for educational purposes on demand. Program Overview: The Certificate in Edupreneurship program focuses on 3 key success-driving competencies in edupreneurship today: curriculum development for clients, online teaching and course design for e-learners, and creating an effective social media presence and brand for business as a professional Edupreneur. Module 1 – Curriculum Development In this course participants will learn to analyze, design, implement and evaluate curriculum. Topics include: elements and phases of instructional design, design and development, needs analysis and assessment, methods of instruction, curriculum development vs. instructional design, implementation, planning delivery, formative and summative evaluation. Evaluation: online quizzes. Upon completion of this course participants will be able to professionally develop curriculum. Module 2 – Teaching and Designing an Online Course In this course participants are guided through the step-by-step process of the online design of an instructional unit as a final product. Topics include: the features of an effective online course design, hurdles in online teaching/learning, learning styles, Central Management Systems (CMS), forms of assessment, uploading files, graphic organization and basic terminology. Evaluation: project; online course outline. Upon completion of this course participants will know how to effectively teach and design an online course and will have their course uploaded on the Internet. Module 3 – Social Media Management This course covers a wide variety of social media. Participants will be introduced to the duties and roles of a community manager. They will learn how to establish, navigate and monitor current online communities and will learn to deliver strategies for community outreach in order to effectively deliver personal and organizational objectives. Topics include: roles and responsibilities of the social media manager, building portfolio, creating a brand, social networking, targeting audience, integrating various social media, monitoring tools, and Google AdWords. Evaluation: online quizzes. Social Media outlets introduced in this course include: YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, UStream, Vimeo, SlideShare, WordPress, Blogger, Technorati, Tumblr, OnlyWire, Digg, StumbleUpon, Location-Based Networks, Aggregation Tools, and Console Gaming Networks. Upon completion of this course participants will know how to effectively manage a wide variety of social media. How the program works: All course modules are fully conducted online. Upon registration you will be sent a unique user name and password within 48 hours to your email by your appointed online instructor. You have six months from the time of registration to complete the program. The 200 hours online can be fully completed in weeks, months, or even in six months; it is entirely up to you. All course modules allow participants to go at their own pace and are accessible 24/7 from any Internet connection worldwide, including mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Upon successful completion of the program your transcript is electronically issued immediately and your Certificate in Edupreneurship is mailed to you.
  • About Certificate in Curriculum Development The Certificate in Curriculum Development is designed for teachers, educators and administrators who are or will be involved in curriculum development. Participants will learn to analyze, design, implement and evaluate curriculum in relation to an instructional system design. The program content includes elements and phases of instructional design, needs analysis and assessment, methods of instruction, curriculum development vs. instructional design, implementation, planning delivery, formative and summative evaluation.   Registration Once you register (below) you will be provided with an ID and a password, which is unique only to you, by email once your registration has been confirmed. You will then be able to log into the program. At that time you will also be assigned an instructor that you may contact should you have any questions while logging in or completing the program. How to Register Simple, safe, secure, using the Online Registration Form below. There are no registration fees for this program. Please allow up to 48 hours for your registration to be processed and for you to receive your user name and password by email. Length of the Online Program You will have six months from the time you register to complete the program. You can finish it in weeks, months, however you wish to pace yourself. It is entirely up to you! When you finish the program you will immediately be issued a transcript of completion by email with all your scores on the tests and your official   Certificate in Curriculum Development from the Canadian College of Educators is sent by mail or, if residing close to the College, you may arrange to pick it up in person at your earliest convenience. Certificate in Curriculum Development consists of 100 hours
  • eaching and learning online is the latest trend in education! This 20-hour distance education course is designed for educators interested in keeping up with new teaching technologies by teaching and designing online courses. Course Overview: The course describes features of an effective online course design and includes units on hurdles in online teaching/learning, learning styles, CMS (Central Management Systems), forms of assessment, uploading files, graphic organization and basic terminology. Upon completion of this course you will know how to design and teach an online course in your field of education. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Certificate in Teaching and Designing an Online Course by mail.
  • Business English Certificate This 20-hour online Certificate in Teaching Business English specialization course is for English instructors working in the corporate sector for business purposes.  There is no question that English is a global language and that professionals need it to communicate successfully with their partners and clients. Hence Business English is one of the most popular ESL courses around the world. Because most business practices traverse national and cultural boundaries our course is designed to accommodate those teaching or learning Business English in an English speaking country or overseas. Course Overview: This course will help ESL teachers and learners develop the language and skills needed for success in the global English-speaking business world. Topics include: Background, Grammar, Pronunciation, Lesson Planning, Voicemail Etiquette, Email Etiquette, Phone Etiquette, Business Culture, Contracts, Business Letters, Websites, Glossary of Business Terms. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Certificate in Teaching Business English by mail with a Business English Specialist seal that you can affix on your Certificate in Teaching Business English or on any other ESL/TESL/TEFL/TESOL Certificate or Diploma you may have. This course is a great add-on to our TESOL Certificate or TESL Diploma programs!
  • This 20-hour online Certificate in Teaching English for Travel and Tourism specialization course is for English language instructors teaching in the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. As people continue to travel around the world, the importance of the hospitality industry and tourism English is increasing dramatically. In fact, knowing how to communicate and respond quickly and effectively in English is becoming a necessity in the tourism sector. Tourism English includes diverse components of the travel and tourism business such as hotel and resort management, food industry, tour operations, and airline services. It is essential to provide the best professional service to both clients and guests. Course Overview: This course will help ESL teachers and learners develop the language and skills needed for success in the tourism and hospitality industries. Topics include: background, jobs in tourism, cruise, tour guide, hotels/resorts, airline industry, the attitude, body language, lesson planning, voicemail etiquette, email etiquette, phone etiquette, grammar in context, pronunciation, phrasal verbs and prepositions. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Certificate in Teaching English for Travel and Tourism by mail with a Tourism English Specialist seal that you can affix on your Certificate in Teaching English for Travel and Tourism or on any other ESL/TESL/TEFL/TESOL Certificate or Diploma you may have.
  • This 20-hour online course is designed for teachers seeking an additional qualification in teaching preparation for the Test of English as a Foreign Language. The course is divided into 4 modules. The modules include: an Introduction to the TOEFL test and other language proficiency tests, TOEFL Language Skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing), TOEFL Building Skills (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and supporting skills), and Lesson Development for teaching TOEFL preparation. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be able to: (i) demonstrate knowledge in teaching TOEFL preparation, including test administration and comparing other test formats and content, (ii) design and deliver lesson plans for teaching TOEFL reading, writing, speaking, and listening test preparation, (iii) incorporate building skills such as grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary development and other supporting skills such as note-taking, summarizing, paraphrasing, skimming and scanning, (iv) and integrate a variety of resources into lesson planning. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Teaching TOEFL Preparation Certificate by mail with a Teaching TOEFL Specialist seal that you can affix on your Teaching TOEFL Preparation Certificate or on any other ESL/TESL/TEFL/TESOL Certificate or Diploma you may have.
  • Certificate in Teaching English Grammar This 20-hour online course is designed for ESL teachers seeking an additional qualification in teaching grammar. The course first provides a concise review of the fundamentals of the English grammar, including all the verb tenses, followed by lessons in the methodology of how to and why teach grammar. Topics include: why teach grammar, lesson planning, parts of speech, irregular verbs, the verb tenses, the passive, state/stative verbs, causative verbs, conditionals, indirect speech, logical connectors, clauses, articles, gerunds and infinitives, levels of grammar (from basic to advanced), and instructional grammar resources.  Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to (i) demonstrate more profound knowledge of grammatical structures and increased confidence in teaching higher levels of grammar, (ii) incorporate pedagogical grammar with different language skills and using a variety of resources, (iii) apply new strategies and methodologies in teaching grammar, (iv) design and deliver effective grammar lesson plans. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Certificate in Teaching English Grammar by mail with an English Specialist seal that you can affix on your Certificate in Teaching English Grammar or on any other ESL/TESL/TEFL/TESOL Certificate or Diploma you may have. This course is a great add-on to our TESOL Certificate or TESL Diploma programs!
  • This 20-hour online course is designed for English language instructors seeking an additional qualification and specialization in teaching pronunciation. Topics include: Why teach pronunciation, linguistic systems, phonetic alphabets, consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm, intonation, linking, intrusion, elision, dissimulation  assimilation, unique features of North American pronunciation, Canadian accents and dialects, pronunciation problems common to specific languages groups, lesson planning, pronunciation within the Canadian Language Benchmarks, how to integrate pronunciation with other skills, using diagrams to demonstrate articulation, tips and practical classroom suggestions for teaching pronunciation, online resources and materials, recent studies on pronunciation and pedagogical research. Outcomes: Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to (i) understand and utilize phonetic alphabets and articulation diagrams to teach pronunciation, (ii) appropriately align pronunciation points with language levels, (iii) incorporate teaching pronunciation with other language skills, (iv) identify pronunciation problems and unique features common to specific language groups, (v) design and deliver effective pronunciation lesson plans through the application of the most recent pedagogical research and using a variety of resources. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Certificate in Teaching English Pronunciation by mail. This course is a great add-on to our TESOL Certificate or TESL Diploma programs!
  • This 20-hour online course is designed for teachers seeking an additional qualification in teaching preparation for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Instructors will learn about the structure of the General Training and Academic tests and explore methodologies, strategies, tips, techniques, and resources for teaching or tutoring IELTS preparation. The course is divided into 4 modules and each module has an online test at the end. The modules include: an Introduction to the IELTS and other language proficiency tests, IELTS Language Skills, the General and Academic tests, and Lesson Development for teaching IELTS preparation. IELTS Quick Facts:
    • IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System.
    • IELTS is developed by some of the world’s leading experts in language assessment. It is jointly owned by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment combining the expertise of each.
    • IELTS has an excellent international reputation and is accepted by over 9,000 organisations worldwide, including schools, universities, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies.
    • IELTS is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration, with over 2 million tests taken in the last year.
    • Public institutions and regulating bodies typically require an IELTS score from the Academic test for admissions to their institution or certification into a professional field. National and provincial governments also require an IELTS score from the General test as part of the immigration process for various programs as proof of English-language ability.
    How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email from your online instructor to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your transcript and Teaching IELTS Preparation Certificate by mail.
  • About the Certificate in Exam Invigilation The examination invigilator is the person in the examination room with responsibility for conducting a particular examination session in the presence of candidates. Invigilators have a key role in upholding the integrity of the examination process.This 20-hour online course provides training and professional development for those interested in pursuing employment as an Exam Invigilator. Invigilating is a great way to work in the field of education. Course topics include: Invigilator roles and responsibilities, what invigilators must and must not do, responsibilities of the test centres, invigilating strategies and techniques, types of exams, external examination services, and employment opportunities. How to Register Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College, you will be sent a user name and password by email from your online instructor to begin the course. You may work at  your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. Once you  have completed the course you will be sent your Certificate in Exam Invigilation by mail.

Languages, ESL Programs

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: Dear OCELT (Ontario Certified English Language Teacher) candidate, Due to COVID-19 we are delivering our full-time and part-time September TESL Diploma programs fully ONLINE. Stay safe at home! The full-time program starts on September 14th and the part-time program starts on September 21st. We hope to return to our full-time in class delivery of this program by January, 2021. About the TESL Diploma online: The online version of our well-known TESL Diploma program is no different from our in class program in terms of content, assessment, faculty, and quality. The classes are delivered in synchronous format, real time, instructor-led, using Zoom, just like an in class environment where you attend class, have classmates, lots human interaction, and TESL Ontario accredited TESL Trainers. The online classes are further supported by instructor-led Google Classrooms for the sharing of publications, resources, assignments, and additional online class time to communicate with classmates and instructors.

    This 300-hour TESL DIPLOMA program is for those looking to become an Ontario Certified English Language Teacher (OCELT) to teach English in Ontario, Canada, and worldwide.

    Academic Credential Issued Upon Completion: College Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
    Government approved by: Ministry of Colleges and Universities
    Professionally Accredited by: TESL Ontario and TESL Canada
    Academic Credential Issued Upon Completion: College Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
    Graduates of this program will have completed the TESL training requisite to receive:
    • College Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language
    • Ontario Certified English Language Teacher (OCELT) professional designation
    • TESL Ontario Adult ESL Teacher Certificate of Accreditation
    • TESL Ontario International Certificate in Teaching English as an Additional Language
    • TESL Canada Professional Certification Standard Two
  • The Canadian College of Educators’ Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate program with Practicum is for those seeking a distance education TESL Canada Professional Standard One Certification program. It includes 100 hours online TESOL training and a 25-hour practicum comprised of 15 hours of class Observation and 10 hours of supervised Practice Teaching. This Program is Recognized by TESL Canada for Professional Standard One Certification and by TESL Ontario as an accredited CTESOL (Canadian TESOL) training program. For TESL Canada Professional Standard Two Certification and/or TESL Ontario Certification please see our 300+ hour in class . TESOL Certificate with Practicum Program Overview:
    • 100 hours – TESOL Methodology (online)
    • 25 hours – Practicum (local or distance)
    Online Component: The 100 credit-hours of distance education provides a solid foundation for Teaching English to speakers of other languages in Canada. It also includes a comprehensive introductory module in Teaching English Overseas with country profiles worldwide for those who may want to teach and travel. TESOL Methodology topics includeThe communicative approach, being a good teacher and learner, children versus adult learners, student levels, lesson planning, describing language, teaching grammar, teaching reading, teaching writing, teaching speaking, teaching listening, teaching pronunciation, ESL games and activities, classroom management, text books and materials development, assessment and testing, teaching English for special purposes. Practicum Component: The 25-hour practicum is comprised of 15 hours of class observation and 10 hours of supervised practice teaching. Students are provided with a local Language School placement by the program’s Practicum Supervisor. Those residing outside of the Halton/Peel/Toronto district or in another province who can not travel to Mississauga for practicum may arrange their own practicum with the approval of the Practicum Supervisor. The Practicum must be completed in Canada. Length of the Program: The program can be completed in just 4 to 6 weeks or up to one year. You decide the pace. You will have six months from the time you register to complete the online component and up to one year to complete the program in full. The online component should be successfully completed prior to beginning any Practicum. Class Schedule: The online modules are completely self-directed, go at your own pace, and can be studied from anywhere with an Internet connection. Practicum sessions are scheduled on an individual basis with the Practicum Mentor Teachers. Local practicum placement is typically completed within 5 sessions/days of 5 hours each or at a pace as requested by the student. Program Admission Requirements: A minimum 3-year Canadian university degree, or equivalent, and acceptable proof of English language proficiency. *The accepted English language proficiency requirements for program admission are the same as TESL Canada.
  • The Canadian College of Educators TESOL Certificate 100-hour international standard program online was developed specifically for Canadians looking to go abroad to teach English or for individuals overseas seeking training and TESOL Certification from an accredited post-secondary institution in North America in order to teach English in their own country. Teaching Overseas:
    • English as a global language
    • Overseas country profiles 
    • Types of jobs, job banks and postings, teacher recruiters and agencies
    • The application process, letter of introduction and international resume
    • Preparing for the interview and negotiating the contract
    • Visas, passports, health care, taxation, banking, money transfers
    • What to take with you, dealing with culture shock and becoming adjusted
    TESOL Methodology:
    • The communicative approach
    • Being a good teacher and learner
    • Children versus adult learners
    • Student levels
    • Lesson planning
    • Describing language
    • Teaching grammar
    • Teaching reading
    • Teaching writing
    • Teaching speaking
    • Teaching listening
    • Teaching pronunciation
    • ESL games and activities
    • Classroom management
    • Text books and materials development
    • Assessment and testing
    • Teaching English for Special Purposes
    About the online program: Registration Once you register (below) you will be provided with an ID and a password, which is unique only to you, by email once your registration has been confirmed. You will then be able to log into the program. At that time you will also be assigned an instructor that you may contact should you have any questions while logging in or completing the program. Online Program Evaluation Some modules require an entry in your personal teaching journal and some have a short test. There are seven tests in total. You will have 60 minutes to finish each test and two attempts to pass it. Your mark will be displayed immediately and the instructor will be notified when you finish the test. You will receive a confirmation with your mark in your email address for your records.  Length of the Online Course You will have six months from the time you register to complete the program. You can finish it in weeks, months, however you wish to pace yourself. It is entirely up to you! When you finish the program you will immediately be issued a transcript of completion by email with all your scores on the tests and your official TESOL Certificate from the Canadian College of Educators is sent by mail or, if residing close to the College, you may arrange to pick it up in person at your earliest convenience.
  • n recognition of the on-going exciting path of professional development and consistent desire for teachers to not only teach, but learn… we are pleased to offer TESL Ontario accredited Post-TESL Certificate training for TESL Ontario and TESL Canada certified instructors seeking additional qualifications. Canadian College of Educators offers two TESL Ontario accredited PTCT courses:
    • Advanced Pedagogical Grammar (30 hours online)
    • Teaching Pronunciation (30 hours online)
    Advanced Pedagogical Grammar This course is designed for TESL certified individuals seeking an additional qualification in teaching Advanced Grammar. Topics include: Why teach grammar, what is advanced grammar, form and function, lexical categories, methodologies and strategies in pedagogical grammar, lesson planning, grammar within the Canadian Language Benchmarks, and instructional grammar resources. The course also includes a brief review of parts of speech, irregular verbs, verb tenses and a more in depth exploration of advanced grammatical structures such as the passive, causative verbs, conditionals, modals, sentence constituents, word order, complex sentences, nominals, alternations and subordinate clauses, while incorporating how to effectively teach these. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to (i) demonstrate more profound knowledge of advanced grammatical structures increased confidence in teaching higher levels of grammar, (ii) distinguish between form and function and lexical categories, (iii) incorporate pedagogical grammar with different language skills and using a variety of resources, (iv) apply new strategies and methodologies in teaching advanced grammar, (v) design and deliver effective grammar lesson plans at CLB Stage III. Teaching Pronunciation This course is designed for TESL certified individuals seeking an additional qualification in teaching Pronunciation. Topics include: Why teach pronunciation, linguistic systems, phonetic alphabets, consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm, intonation, linking, intrusion, elision, dissimulation  assimilation, unique features of North American pronunciation, Canadian accents and dialects, pronunciation problems common to specific languages groups, lesson planning, pronunciation within the Canadian Language Benchmarks, how to integrate pronunciation with other skills, using diagrams to demonstrate articulation, tips and practical classroom suggestions for teaching pronunciation, online resources and materials, recent studies on pronunciation and pedagogical research. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to (i) understand and utilize phonetic alphabets and articulation diagrams to teach pronunciation, (ii) appropriately align pronunciation points with Canadian Language Benchmarks, (iii) incorporate teaching pronunciation with other language skills, (iv) identify pronunciation problems and unique features common to specific language groups, (v) design and deliver effective pronunciation lesson plans through the application of the most recent pedagogical research and using a variety of resources. PTCT Courses Evaluation: Quizzes Reflective Journal Entries Lesson Planning Assignment Admission Requirements: Participants have completed a TESL program from a TESL Ontario or TESL Canada accredited institution OR have TESL Ontario or TESL Canada certification.
  • This 20-hour online course is designed for teachers seeking an additional qualification in teaching preparation for the Test of English as a Foreign Language. The course is divided into 4 modules. The modules include: an Introduction to the TOEFL test and other language proficiency tests, TOEFL Language Skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing), TOEFL Building Skills (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and supporting skills), and Lesson Development for teaching TOEFL preparation. Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be able to: (i) demonstrate knowledge in teaching TOEFL preparation, including test administration and comparing other test formats and content, (ii) design and deliver lesson plans for teaching TOEFL reading, writing, speaking, and listening test preparation, (iii) incorporate building skills such as grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary development and other supporting skills such as note-taking, summarizing, paraphrasing, skimming and scanning, (iv) and integrate a variety of resources into lesson planning. How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your Teaching TOEFL Preparation Certificate by mail with a Teaching TOEFL Specialist seal that you can affix on your Teaching TOEFL Preparation Certificate or on any other ESL/TESL/TEFL/TESOL Certificate or Diploma you may have.
  • This 20-hour online course is designed for teachers seeking an additional qualification in teaching preparation for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Instructors will learn about the structure of the General Training and Academic tests and explore methodologies, strategies, tips, techniques, and resources for teaching or tutoring IELTS preparation. The course is divided into 4 modules and each module has an online test at the end. The modules include: an Introduction to the IELTS and other language proficiency tests, IELTS Language Skills, the General and Academic tests, and Lesson Development for teaching IELTS preparation. IELTS Quick Facts:
    • IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System.
    • IELTS is developed by some of the world’s leading experts in language assessment. It is jointly owned by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment combining the expertise of each.
    • IELTS has an excellent international reputation and is accepted by over 9,000 organisations worldwide, including schools, universities, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies.
    • IELTS is the world’s most popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration, with over 2 million tests taken in the last year.
    • Public institutions and regulating bodies typically require an IELTS score from the Academic test for admissions to their institution or certification into a professional field. National and provincial governments also require an IELTS score from the General test as part of the immigration process for various programs as proof of English-language ability.
    How the course works: Register here using the secure on-line registration form below. Once your registration has been confirmed by the College you will be sent a user name and password by email from your online instructor to begin the course. You may work at your own pace from any computer with an Internet connection. The course is divided into topics and sections. There are four sections and a multiple choice test after each section. If at first you do not succeed on any of the four tests you can try again until you pass and feel confident to go on to the next section. Once you have completed the course you will be sent your transcript and Teaching IELTS Preparation Certificate by mail.

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