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Emergency Services Academy


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Non-DEI (Requires an exemption)
  • Non-Designated Learning Institute (DLI)
  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Healthcare, Wellness, Pharma Programs

  • Are you interested in a career in emergency medical services (EMS)? Would you like to take a step towards being an Emergency Medical Technician/ Primary Care Paramedic or Advanced Care Paramedic? The Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) program is the first level of education and training for EMS practitioners in Alberta.

    EMR is an excellent introduction to EMS and provides a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for students continuing on to Emergency Medical Technician/Primary Care Paramedic programs in Alberta. It is also often a prerequisite for those seeking a career in the fire service. Our EMR Program for 2019 has been approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics (ACP) and is licensed with the Private Career Colleges branch, Alberta Learning.  
  • Are you a critical thinker? Can you make quick decisions? Are you seeking a profession in which no two days are the same? Are you interested in subject areas such as anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, patient assessment, and pharmacology?

    Paramedicine may be an excellent career for you.

    The second level of care in paramedicine in Canada is Primary Care Paramedic (PCP), formerly known as Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in Alberta. PCP is the largest group of paramedics in Canada. Many PCPs are employed by industrial companies, ambulance or EMS services, fire services and the military. The PCP Program at Emergency Services Academy Ltd. ("ESA") is accredited by Accreditation Canada and approved by the Alberta College of Paramedics (ACP). This allows successful students to apply nationwide for EMS employment. ESA students are taught by experienced practitioners and instructors who are career EMTs/PCPs, Paramedics, Firefighters, Nurses and Medical Doctors. Instructors use a variety of program delivery techniques with an emphasis on repetition and hands-on skill and scenario training. ESA maintains a 6:1 student to instructor ratio during practical training to ensure students receive continuous evaluation and direct feedback throughout the program. After successful completion of the online and classroom components at ESA, each student is scheduled to complete field practicums: Clinical and Emergency Ambulance. The PCP Program at ESA is a six month program including didactic and practicums. Graduation dates can vary depending on the location or length of practicums.
  • The EMR Refresher Course at ESA is a 4 day course (32 hours).
  • The EMR Alberta College of Paramedics Provincial Registration Examination format has changed. Please refer to the ACP website for details:  THE ESA EMR ACP Prep Course is recommended for anyone who has graduated from an ACP Approved EMR Program within the past 12 months. This course is offered to the following EMR graduates :
    1. ESA EMR Program graduates preparing to write the ACP exam
    2. ESA EMR Program graduates who were unsuccessful on their first attempt at the Alberta College of Paramedics Registration Exam
    3. Graduates of other ACP Approved EMR Programs
  • ESA offers a refresher course for individuals needing to upgrade and refresh their PCP skills.

  • The ESA PCP ACP Prep Course is recommended for anyone who has graduated from an ACP Approved PCP Program within the past 12 months. This course is offered to the following PCP graduates. Please refer to fees listed below.
    • ESA PCP Program graduates preparing to write the ACP exam
    • ESA PCP Program graduates who were unsuccessful on their first attempt at the Alberta College of Paramedics Registration Exam
    • Graduates of other ACP Approved PCP Programs
  • TLS Provider - Basic Designed for providers who are first to evaluate and stabilize the trauma patient. This 16 hour course provides complete training in the skills needed for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization and transportation of trauma patients. ITLS Provider - Advanced The ITLS - Advanced course builds on the ITLS - Basic knowledge, emphasizing evaluation steps and sequencing as well as techniques for resuscitating and packaging patients.
  • Do you want to earn extra income and enhance your resume with another certification? You can become a Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor in only 3 days!

Human & Social Services, CSW Programs

Emergency Services Academy

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