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Matrix Collège

1980 Sherbrooke St W Suite 609, Montreal QC

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Non-DEI (Requires an exemption)
  • Designated Learning Institute (DLI)
  • Quebec Student Financial Assistance
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Languages, ESL Programs

  • In this program, students with a lower level of English will learn how to use English in an academic setting through practical activities in class. Students will build on their previous knowledge of English. They will develop a rich vocabulary and learn to write A-level academic papers. The students will learn the skills to read textbooks and to understand a lesson given orally by a teacher in English. They will also develop skills to interact with other students, teachers, and school staff.

    Target Audience:

    Students with beginner or intermediate level of English looking to enhance the quality of their academic work in English.

    Skills Gained in various programs:

    In this dynamic class, the students will learn:
    • To express themselves using a rich vocabulary and clear arguments
    • Understand a lesson given orally by the teacher in English
    • Specific vocabulary for their academic specialty
    • To communicate clear ideas when submitting academic documents and speeches
    • Skills to self-correct texts
    • How to format work for academic and professional needs
  • Go from beginner to intermediate-advanced level (B2) in 450 hours. This course is designed to prepare you for the TEFaQ test.  As an official TEFaQ and TEF test center, we  train you specifically for with these tests in mind.

    Target Audience:

    Newcomers or people with little or no knowledge of the French language who wish to apply for a permanent visa in Quebec (CSQ) through the PEQ immigration program.
    Fee :
    $5,580 (including TEFaQ Prep) Structure: 4 non-credited levels of 90 hours each followed by an intensive TEFaQ/B2 preparation course Length: ≈450 hours over 4 months (30 hours per week over 5 days)
  • Once you have completed the necessary levels of French (Level 5/B2-1), you can sign up directly for Level 6 and prepare for the TEFaQ examination. Fees : ($1,980) applicable to students from other language schools Level 6—TEFaQ Preparation: Designed to prepare you for the TEFaQ test. As an official TEFaQ and TEF test center, we train you specifically for the tests. Exam fees not included. Length: 90 hours (30 hours per week over 5 days) Schedules: Mornings and evenings on weekdays
  • IELTS Equivalent 3.5 CEFR Level Beginner level (CEFR level : A1) Prerequisites Placement test online ( site) Benchmarks / Learning objectives (SWBAT)
    • Describe personal experiences with a very basic range of simple expressions and vocabulary (CEFR)
    • Establish basic social contact by using the simplest everyday polite forms of: greeting and farewells, introductions, saying please/ thank you/ sorry (CEFR)
    • Indicate time by such phrases as next week, last Friday in November, three o’clock (CEFR)
    Grammar Concepts
    • Present/past of “to be”
    • Questions using “be” and “have”
    • Present Continuous Tense
    • There + be in present/ past tense
    • Comparative Adjectives
    • Future tense with be going to
    Topics (to be revised)
    • Friends and families
    • Business
    • Sports
    • Adventure
    Matrix EAP Level  Beginner Duration 1 Month
  • IELTS Equivalent 4.5 CEFR Level Intermediate level (CEFR level : A2) Prerequisites Placement test online ( site) or L1 Benchmarks / Learning objectives (SWBAT)
    • Distinguish and correctly conjugate past, present and future tenses
    • Mastering simple questions with modals (can, may)& auxiliary verbs (do, does, is, are, did, will) and tag questions (Do you..? Isn’t it...?) and question words (who, what, where, when , how and why)
    • Simple idiomatic expressions (to have, to be)
    • Greetings (informal)
    • Frequency adverbs (never, always, sometimes, often)
    • Tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points, every day aspects of environment
    Grammar Concepts
    • Personal pronouns
    • Simple Present tense (regular & irregular verbs)
    • Simple Past tense (regular verbs)
    • Future Simple tense (regular verbs)
    • Future with going to, will, present progressive (daily routine verbs)
    • Mastering simple questions with modals (can, may) & auxiliary verbs(do, does, is, are, did, will) and tag questions (Do you..? Isn’t it...?) and question words (who, what, where, when , how and why)
    • Simple idiomatic expressions (to have, to be)
    • Greetings (informal)
    • Frequency adverbs (never, always, sometimes, often)
    • Frequent verbs
    • Too much / too many, too + adjective
    • I’m used to
    • Enjoy doing, stop doing
    • Space prepositions
      Topics (to be revised)
    • Friends and families
    • Business
    • Sports
    • Adventure
    Matrix EAP Level  Intermediate Duration 1 Month Hours 80 Hours
  • IELTS Equivalent 5.5 CEFR Level High-Intermediate level (CEFR level : B1) Prerequisites Placement test online ( site) or L2 Benchmarks / Learning objectives (SWBAT) • Produce continuous intelligible writing • Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters • Convey information and ideas on abstract as well as concrete topics • Express and respond to feelings such as surprise, happiness, sadness, interest, indifference Grammar Concepts • Mastery of: Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future Present Progressive, Present Conditional, Present Imperative Passive voice • Frequent transition words • Frequent adverbs • Advice modals (should, must) • Reported speech • Prepositional speech • Word order (verb + object; place and time – adverbs) • Comparatives and equatives • Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns • Greetings (formal) • Idiomatic expressions of self • Superlatives (the worst, the best, the * est, the most) • Comparison (much better, as, as ...than, *er) Topics (to be revised) • Friends and families • Business • Sports • Adventure Matrix EAP Level  High-Intermediate Duration 2 Months Hours 160 Hours
  • IELTS Equivalent 6.5 CEFR Level Advanced level (CEFR level : B2) Prerequisites Placement test online ( site)or L3 Benchmarks / Learning objectives (SWBAT)
    • Understand standard spoken language, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics
    • Read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes
    • Recognize main idea, predict meaning, summarize a wide range of factual and imaginative texts
    Grammar Concepts
    • Expressions of opinion, surveys
    • Relative clauses
    • Complex questions
    • Past Conditional
    • Present Perfect
    • Past Perfect
    • Irregular verbs
    • Past conditional
    • Verb tenses coordination
    • Complex transition words
    • Complex questions
    • Nuances in opinion and tastes relative to abstract topics
    Topics (to be revised)
    • Friends and families
    • Business
    • Sports
    • Adventure
    Matrix EAP Level  High-Intermediate Duration 2 Months Hours 160 Hours

Skilled Trades, Auto, Fire Programs

  • Becoming an Artificial Intelligence Engineer puts you on the path to an exciting, evolving career that is predicted to grow sharply into 2025 and beyond. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning will impact all segments of daily life by 2025, with applications in a wide range of industries such as healthcare, transportation, insurance, transport and logistics and even customer service. The need for AI specialists exists in just about every field as companies seek to give computers the ability to think, learn and adapt. The current and future demand is staggering. The New York Times reports a candidate shortage for certified AI Engineers, with fewer than 10,000 qualified people in the world to fill these jobs, which according to Paysa earn an average salary of $172,000 per year in the U.S for engineers with the required skills. Course Outline: This Artificial Intelligence course provides training in the skills required for a career in AI. You will master TensorFlow, Machine Learning, and other AI concepts, plus the programming languages needed to design intelligent agents, deep learning algorithms & advanced artificial neural networks that use predictive analytics to solve real-time decision-making problems. By the end of this Artificial Intelligence Course, you will be able to accomplish the following: 
    • Design and build your own intelligent agents and apply them to create practical AI projects including  games, machine learning models, logic constraint satisfaction problems, knowledge-base systems, probabilistic models, agent decision-making functions and more
    • Understand the concepts of TensorFlow, its main functions, operations and the execution pipeline
    • Understand and master the concepts and principles of  machine learning, including its mathematical and heuristic aspects
    • Implement deep learning algorithms in TensorFlow and interpret the results,
    • Understand neural networks and multi-layer data abstraction, empowering you to analyze and utilize data like never before
    • Comprehend and differentiate between theoretical concepts and practical aspects of machine learning,
    • Master and comprehend advanced topics such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, training deep networks and high-level interfaces
    • Learn about major applications of Artificial Intelligence across various use cases in various fields like customer service, financial services, healthcare etc
    • Implement classical Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as search algorithms, minimax algorithm, neural networks, tracking, robot localization
    • Ability to apply Artificial Intelligence techniques for problem-solving and explain the limitations of current Artificial Intelligence techniques
    • Formalise a given problem in the language/framework of different AI methods (e.g., as a search problem, as a constraint satisfaction problem, as a planning problem, etc)
    • Master skills and tools used by the most innovative AI teams across the globe as you delve into specializations, and gain experience solving real-world challenges.
    Live Project (s): This Artificial Intelligence program includes real-life, industry-based projects on different domains to help you master concepts of Artificial Intelligence like Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Support Vector Machines, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks. Who should take this AI course? With the demand for AI in a broad range of industries, Matrix College’s AI course is well suited for a variety of roles and disciplines, including:
    • Developers aspiring to be a 'Artificial Intelligence Scientist' or Machine Learning engineers
    • Analytics Managers who are leading a team of analysts
    • Information Architects who want to gain expertise in Artificial Intelligence algorithms
    • Analytics professionals who want to work in machine learning or artificial intelligence
    • Graduates pursuing Engineering / Computer Science looking to build a career in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
    • Experienced professionals who would like to harness Artificial Intelligence in their fields to get more insight


    • Algebra, linear algebra
    • Probability Theory
    • Statistical Concepts
    • Matrix mathematics
    • Basic computer programming skills (Good to have)
    • Python / MATLAB
    • Calculus

Technology, Networking Programs

  • Course Outline: The main objective of this course is to offer a complete understanding of routing and switching techniques, which plays a vital role in establishing a network. Fundamentals of LAN switching, networking and routing are introduced to the professionals along with the overview of infrastructure services and maintenance. The professionals can install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot a company’s network with ease by the end of this course. It also prepares the professionals for the two official CISCO certifications. This course also covers the foundational IP networking skills required to deploy, operate and troubleshoot various network layers. Professional Benefits: There is a huge demand for network engineer professionals with certification in CCNA Routing and Switching globally. $68,156 is the average annual salary of a network engineer. The Salary range is usually between $43,223 to $101,359. The pay is directly proportional to the skillset and experience a network engineer with holds. By the end of this CCNA – Routing and Switching Course, you will be able to accomplish the following:
    • Understand infrastructure components – Firewalls, access points, wireless controllers
    • Ability to compare network topologies like Star, Mesh and Hybrid
    • Differentiating different IPv4 address types – Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast
    • Comparing available IPv6 address types
    • Understanding switching concepts - MAC learning and access ports
    • Cisco discovery protocol
    • Understanding main routing topics like packet handling and routing protocol
    • Troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 static routing using network and host routes
    • Performing DNS lookup operations and resolving connectivity issues
    • Understanding TFTP, DNS and gateway options
    • Configuring Cisco discovery protocol and LLDP
    • Performing device maintenance using Cisco IOS upgrades and recovery
    Key Courses: Network Fundamentals:
    • OSI models and protocols
    • Infrastructure components in enterprise network.
    • Network topologies
    • Troubleshooting methodologies
    • IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
    • Advanced topics
    LAN Switching Fundamentals:
    • Introduction to switching concepts
    • Ethernet and cables
    • Configure and troubleshoot VLANs
    • Interswitch connectivity
    • Port security
    • Advanced topics
    Routing Fundamentals:
    • Introduction to routing concepts
    • Components of routing table
    • Inter-VLAN routing
    • Static and Dynamic routing
    • Troubleshoot IPv4 and IPv6 static routing
    • Advanced topics
    Infrastructure Services:
    • DNS operations
    • Configure DHCP on router
    • NTP operations in client/server mode
    • Configure and troubleshoot NAT
    • Advanced topics
    Infrastructure Maintenance:
    • Device monitoring using syslog
    • Device configuration and management
    • Basic device hardening
    • Perform device maintenance
    • Cisco IOS tools
    • Advanced topics

    Target Audience:

    • Network administrators
    • Professionals who want to change career
    • IT professionals interested in the networking

    Skills Gained in various programs:

    • Firewalls, access points, wireless controllers
    • Star, Mesh & Hybrid
    • Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast
    • IPv6 address types
    • MAC learning and access ports
    • Cicso discovery protocal
    • Packet handling and routing protocol
    • Network and host route
    • DNS lookup operation and connectivity issues
    • TFTP, DNS and gateway options
    • Cisco discovery protocol and LLDP
    • Cisco IOS upgrades and recovery
  • Course Outline: This CCNA Security Certification course intends to equip the professionals with the core security concepts and also helps to provide an understanding of the implementation process behind a secure network infrastructure. The professionals will be well versed with VPN encryption, firewalls and intrusion prevention by the end of this course. A thorough overview of web and email content security and endpoint security will also be provided. By the end of the course, the professionals will be able to install, troubleshoot and monitor a secure network to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices. These professionals are hired by an array of companies, from emerging to established, globally. Professional benefits: The requirement for the Network Security Engineer with CCNA Security Certification is quite overwhelming these days. $68,156 will probably be the average annual salary for the network security engineer. Salary range is usually between $43,223 to $101,359. The pay scale increases as the experience go up. By the end of this Cisco – CCNA Security Course, you will be able to accomplish the following:
    • Understanding basic security terms and zones
    • Begin able to explain cryptography concepts such as digital signatures, certificates and PKI
    • Understanding network topologies namely CAN, WAN, SOHO
    • Securing network using SCP and NTP
    • Configuring authorization using Radius and TACACS+ technologies
    • Configuring authentication using 802.1X components, BYOD framework
    • Understanding VPN concepts like IPsec protocols, hair pinning and split tunneling
    • Implement SSL VPN using ASDM and IPsec site-to-site VPN
    • Cisco IOS and authentication on OSPF
    • Understanding different types of spoofing and DHCP snooping
    • VLAN and PVLAN
    • Proxy, application and personal firewalls
    • Stateful and stateless firewalls
    • Static and dynamic NAT
    • Configuring and securing ASA
    • Detection/Signature engines
    • Considerating various modes of deployments such as inline, SPAN
    • SPAM filtering, blacklisting, URL filtering
    • Mitigation technology for personal firewall and antivirus
    Key Courses: Introduction to security:
    • Introduction to security principles.
    • Security threats.
    • Cryptography.
    • Network topologies.
    Secure Access:
    • Secure management.
    • Authentication, authorization and accounting.
    • C802.1X authentication.
    • BYOD architecture.
    Vitual Private Network:
    • Introduction to VPN concepts.
    • Remote Access VPN.
    • Site-to-site VPN.
    Secure Routing and Switching:
    • Introduction to security on Cisco routers.
    • Securing routing protocols and control plane.
    • Common layer 2 attacks.
    • Mitigation procedures.
    • VLAN security.
      Cisco Firewall Technologies:
    • Introduction to firewall technologies.
    • Various types of firewalls.
    • NAT on Cisco ASA 9.x.
    • Zone-based firewall.
    • Firewall features on Cisco ASA.
    • Intrusion prevention system and endpoint security
    • IPS deployment considerations.
    • IPS technologies.
    • Mitigation technology for email-based threats.
    • Mitigation technology for web-based threats.
    • Mitigation technology for endpoint threats.

    Target Audience:

    • Network Administrators
    • Professionals who want to change careers
    • IT professionals interested in networking

    Skills Gained in various programs:

    • Security terms and zones
    • Digital Signatures, certificates and PKI
    • Encryption techniques
    • CAN, WAN, SOHO, SCP and NTP
    • Radius and TACACS+ technologies
    • 802.1X components, BYOD framework
    • IPsec protocols and delivery modes
    • Hair Pinning and split Tunneling
    • SSL VPN using ASDM and IPsec site-to-site VPN
    • Cisco IOS and Authentication on OSPF
    • Different types of spoofing and DHCP snooping
    • VLAN and PVLAN
    • Stateful and stateless firewalls
    • Configure and Secure ASA
    • Various modes of deployments such as inline and SPAN
    • SPAM Filtering, Blacklisting, URL filtering
    • Personal firewall and antivirus
    • Proxy, application and personal firewalls
    • static and dynamic NAT
    • Detection/Signature engines
  • Course Outline: The main purpose of this CCNP Routing and Switching Course is to provide the professionals with an in-depth understanding of routing and switching, along with the advanced techniques in complex network solutions. The professionals are initially introduced to the implementation of Cisco IP routing, and then, to implementing Cisco IP switched networks. Real-time experience is provided on troubleshooting and managing Cisco IP networks. The professionals will be able to implement, verify and troubleshoot local and wide-area enterprise networks by the course end. The attained skills will help the professionals to work collaboratively with specialists on advanced security, voice, wireless and video solutions. Professional Benefits: Professionals with CCNP Routing and Switching Certification work in a wide range of companies, from start-ups to established enterprises, globally. The average annual salary for a network engineer will be $68,156. The Salary range is usually between $43,223 to $101,359. The pay scale in this profession rises along with the experience. By the end of this CCNP – Routing and Switching Course, you will be able to accomplish the following:
    • Understanding network challenges such as asymmetric routing
    • Performing IP operations, namely IPv4, IPv6, TTL and MSS
    • Troubleshoot using starvation and latency, as well as Ping and Traceroute
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting CDP, LLDP and UDLD
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting VTPv1, VTPv2, VTPv3, and VTP pruning
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting PVST+, RPVST+, MST
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting SPAN, RSPAN, Stack wise
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting DHCP relay and server, distance, path vector, and ROUTE maps
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting EIGRP packet types, stubs, load balancing, and metrics
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting OSPF path reference and operations
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting eBGP attributes and best-path selection
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting GRE,DMVPN,EVN, and DHCP snooping
    • Configuring and verifying infrastructure security – AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS
    • Configure and verify infrastructure services – VTY, AUX, console, Password encryption
    Course List: Network Principles:
    • Network challenges and Cisco forwarding concepts
    • IP operations
    • TCP and UDP operations
    • Cisco IOS troubleshooting tools
    • Troubleshooting methodologies
    Layer 2 Technologies:
    • Configure PPP and frame relay
    • Configure, Troubleshoot Layer 2 protocols and VLANs
    • Configure, Troubleshoot Trunking and EtherChannels
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting Spanning tree
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting other LAN switching technologies
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting chassis virtualization and aggregation technologies
    Layer 3 Technologies:
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 addressing and subnetting
    • Configuring , Troubleshooting Static and Default routing
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting Cryptography
    • Routing protocol types
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting EIGRP
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting OSPF
    • Configuring, Troubleshooting eBGP
    Virtual Private Network Technologies:
    • Configuring and verifying GRE
    • Describing DMVPN (single hub)
    • Describing Easy Virtual Networking (EVN)
    • Troubleshooting GRE
    Infrastructure Security:
    • IOS Authentication, authorization, and accounting
    • Device security using IOS AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting device access control
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting router security features
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting switch security features
    Infrastructure Services:
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting device management
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting SNMP, logging and NTP
    • Configuring, verifying and troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP
    • SLA architecture
    • Configuring and verifying Cisco Net Flow

    Target Audience:

    • Network administrators
    • Network engineers looking for career advancement
    • Professionals who want to change careers (prerequisite course required)
    • IT professionals interested in networking (prerequisite course required)

    Skills Gained in various programs:

    • PVST+, RPVST+, MST
    • SPAN, RSPAN, Stack Wise, DHCP relay and server
    • Distance, Path vector, Route Maps, EIGRP Packet types, stubs, Load balancing, Metrics
    • OSPF Path refernce, Operations
    • BGP attributes and best-path selection
    • GRE, DMVPN, EVN, DGCP snooping
    • AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS
    • VTY, AUX, Console
    • Password Encryption
    • Asymmetric routing
    • IPv4, IPv6, TTL and MSS
    • Starvation and latency, ping trace route
    • VTPv1, VTPv2, VTPv3, VTP pruning

Montreal Campus

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