Explore Career Training for Veterans.

RAC Digital Arts College


Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Non-DEI (Requires an exemption)
  • Non-Designated Learning Institute (DLI)
  • Alberta Student Aid Program
  • Second Career
  • Loans
  • Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Creative Arts, Interactive, Sound Programs

  • Our program consists of 920 hours of specialized training—800 hours of curriculum and 120 hours of additional workshops—and it all happens in less than a year. A four-year university program, by contrast, typically consists of 675 hours of major courses and another 675 hours of irrelevant elective courses. That's 245 hours less relevant training than our program, and it takes four times longer to finish it.

    Curriculum overview

    800 hours

    4 hours a day. 5 days a week. This is a program for serious learners. We provide accelerated learning and a shorter time-to-market than traditional four-year universities can offer.

    12 courses

    Production, creation, and industry From sound design and music aesthetics to audio consoles and studio production, our curriculum prepares you for the professional world of sound and music production.

    3 semesters

    Start in September, January, or May. We cover all three semesters in a single year so you can start working in under 12 months. New groups start each semester.

Rac Digital Arts College

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