The "NTL.1J Digital Animation Film Production" program (2D/3D Animation) is a comprehensive three-year, full-time course, also available as a condensed two-year program focused on 3D/VFX animation.
This curriculum is ideally suited for students with a strong artistic and creative inclination, a passion for drawing, and a keen interest in pursuing a career in the film, video game, or visual effects industries.
Throughout their educational journey, students will delve into the fundamental aspects of artistry, honing their skills in observation and employing 2D/3D software tools. This hands-on approach offers a deep exploration of every facet of animated film production, from initial scripting to the final editing phase.
The "NTL1.M Artistic and Technical Production of Video Games" program (Tech-Art) is designed to shape students into Technical Artists, adept at bridging the realms of artistic creativity and programming.
This rigorous training regimen immerses students in a professional studio-like environment, preparing them for the demands of the industry.
Within this program, students gain proficiency in constructing video game projects, harnessing a comprehensive skill set that encompasses creative facets such as material creation, shader design, particle systems, special effects, and game aesthetics. They also delve into the technical dimension, encompassing rigging, programming, and integration.
In addition to technical mastery, students develop essential collaborative skills, learning to operate effectively within a team and overseeing all phases of production. This comprehensive approach ensures they are well-prepared for a career in the video game industry.
Are you caught between the worlds of Animation and Video Games? Uncertain about your drawing skills? The Preparatory Year is tailor-made for you!
The Preparatory Year in Digital Arts is an intensive, 7-month training program designed to introduce you to the realms of animation and video games. It provides the opportunity to gain a foundation in traditional artistic training while developing the technical skills essential for Digital Arts.
This program is dedicated to leveling up your skills, helping you build a portfolio, create a personal project, and get ready for competitive exams, all while exploring the dynamic fields of animation and video games.