Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.
This is an Interprovincial Red Seal program covering all aspects of Cosmetology. After an approved apprenticeship, successful students qualify to work anywhere in Canada.
School Requirements
Each student should have a clean and neat appearance - dress clothes and shoes. (Black uniform will be provided by school). Students must follow all rules and regulations as outlined in the . WTC requires each student to maintain 95% attendance.
This is a competency-based level program. All students will receive a transcript of their marks and log book issued by the Industrial Training Division (Department of Advanced Education and Skills) indicating skill attained in the program.
Students completing all elements of the program will receive a diploma. The graduate is eligible to continue in an apprenticeship program of 4000 hours duration to quality for Interprovincial Journeyman status. (Red Seal)
Program Objectives
Course Content
Block 1
Block II
Program Objectives
Course Content
Entrance Requirements