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Personal Support Worker

Program Overview

The Personal Support Worker (PSW) certificate program prepares graduates to provide supportive care to individuals across their lifespan by assisting them with their activities of daily living, including clients experiencing cognitive impairment, physical disability, and mental health challenges.

The range of services provided by Personal Support Workers depend upon the individual needs of each person they support and may include personal care such as dressing, personal hygiene, mobility and other routine activities of living in accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act, home management such as shopping, light house cleaning and meal preparation, family responsibilities such as routine care giving to children and assisting with social and recreational activities.

AIMS College PSW program is based upon the NACC’s (National Association of Career Colleges’) Ontario Personal Support Worker Training Standard released in October 2014.

Who Should Enroll ?

  • Anyone looking to start or branch their career in the Healthcare field in Canada
  • Anyone looking for a Diverse, Flexible and Secure workplace setting
  • New immigrants with previous healthcare background (Nurses, Physiotherapists, etc) may find it easier to extrapolate their career through the PSW Pathway.
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